New products & features

What is new for The East Van Shop?

Each week we try to keep our favourites in stock and we do our best to add some new bits and bobs to keep us interested! Check out our newest drops below! Nov 1 2024 Fresh List Here is a little taste for those who are too impatient to click the link! BC SMALLS  |… Read More

Infused Massage and Intimacy

Infused Massage Oil has yet to make it over to the legal side of things but that doesn’t mean we have to suffer without. There are many infused oil product on the marketplace with both CBD and THC in varying potencies. You can either apply the oil directly from the bottle or you can lengthen… Read More

Sweets for your Sweetie only Not So Sweet!

We're so happy to announce that the Sugar Free category is expanding! Now people who avoid sugar in their diets can happily partake in ingesting cannabis products. Beverages such as the Sweet Justice OG Cola Free, The XMG Alt line, the HYTN Rosewater Lemonade have found a solid following and now we have gummies and... Read More

Uncle Bob to the rescue!

The Uncle Bob brand is brought to you by the team at All Nations Cannabis. The All Nations facility is owned and operated by Stó Lō people on Stó Lō territory. All Nations grows mighty fine Cannabis and Uncle Bob is their Value offering. According to lore everyone one has an Uncle Bob. To identify… Read More

Gifts from the Magi

Gifts from the Magi!  Back in the day Andrea was not allowed to play with dolls. Her Mother was a somewhat radical feminist and dolls were just not on the menu. Fast forward and Andrea who is a self proclaimed “Late Bloomer” is having the time of her life smoking doobies and “playing with dolls… Read More

You Just Hit the Payload!

Woody Nelson Glade Runner Payload Back in the day we really enjoyed receiving fresh drops of freshly cured and recently harvested flower. Every once in a while we'd receive a big glass jar of really big beautiful colas and while eventually we'd need to break them up to allow folks to get the amount they... Read More

Introducing The Lab

The Lab officially launches Friday Feb. 10th We like weed as much if not more than the next person so we’re excited to launch the Lab. The Lab is where we get to explore products that are released in the value realm. We’re deeply connected to BC grown, craft Cannabis and that won’t change however,… Read More

#Tryittuesday does Edi’s Peppermint

Edi’s Peppermint Edibles by Foray look kinda interesting. The brand has definitely done its research around how to make candy feel a little more grown up by leaning into the graphic styles of the 60’s and 70’s. While I’d like to be able to share with you a review on their Gum Drops they aren’t… Read More

How to make Canna-butter using concentrates!

How to make Canna-butter using concentrates! I like to bake and I like to eat infused baked goods so canna butter is kind of a staple in the house. I usually use dry flower to make my canna butter and its a bit of a process. There is a fair bit of prep time spent… Read More

#tryittuesday Phat 420 Mexican Drinking Chocolate

Phat 420 Mexican Drinking Chocolate Yes. I’m starting with yes but I have to quantify this. I like chocolate and I like spice. When I say I like spice I order my food spicy. Not extra spicy but spicy. Are you a fan of Sri Racha hot sauce? Can you enjoy Frank’s Hot sauce? If… Read More