Village Bloomery East Vancouver
Andrea and Jeremy have lived in the Hastings Sunrise community since 2005 along with their kids. The “Kids” attended Hastings Elementary & Van Tech, the fam spent time at New Brighton pool & Pandora Park and have shopped at Donald’s Market since the early days! We even remember when the Red Wagon served fresh baked apple pie with caramel sauce. Those were the days!
We were overjoyed when we were able to secure the Village Bloomery East Van location in the Oxford building. Our neighbours across the street are The Red Wagon and Innocent Ice Cream sweetened the deal when they moved in just a few doors down. We feel good in the hood & it feels natural to bring our passion to the place we call home.
It is here in Hastings Sunrise where we feel we can make a little more noise. We’re still not entirely settled…there are issues we need to address in the taxation, the corporatization of and the packaging of Cannabis. We have to work hard to support our BC small batch farmers to survive under heavy Government regulations. This work is not for the faint of heart. Our tagline is “Quality Cannabis, Quality Peoples”, but we have something else we champion and that’s “Pass the Joy”(we call this our Bloomifesto). If we can lead with joy and curiosity we feel more hopeful about the future. We take great pride in bringing small batch, local and organic weed to the people.
We lean less on Pub Co Weed & more on farm fresh, small batch BC Bud. We highlight Indigenous, Black and Woman led producers because we know they had to work that much harder to be here.
We invite you to stop by and smell the flowers.
Summer Opening Hours:
Mon – Sat: 10am to 10pm
Sunday: 10am to 8pm
Stat Holidays: 11am to 5pm
Remembrance Day, 12pm to 6pm
Christmas Eve: 11am to 3pm
Christmas Day & Boxing Day: closed
New Years Day: closed