Part 2 of the cannabis dosing guide talks about dosing for edible oils, CBD, and other cannabinoids. by Jeremy Jacob Part 1 of our Dosing Guide was published in the March/April issue of Cannabis Retailer. We talked about edibles and inhaling, the two most popular ways to consume cannabis. In Part 2, we’ll talk about… Read More
Cannabis in Canada as we know is still emerging into the mainstream since it was “legalized” in 2017. At the Village Bloomery we use quotations when we refer to cannabis legalization because if there is one thing we understand it is that Cannabis has more laws surrounding it than ever before. Pre legalization cannabis lived… Read More
The age old question…what is the difference between Indica and Sativa?
It can all get a little confusing. For what feels like a very long time Sativa and Indica have been used to quantify the experience the plant matter would offer but since the science community got its hands into the mix we’ve moved further away from these terms. I’ll give you the coles notes. Let… Read More