News & Commentary

What is a Bloomer?

What is a Bloomer? To Bloom or not to Bloom. That is the question. According to the word bloom has many expressions.    We recognize the word bloom as a noun. the flower of a plant “the bloom of the cherry tree.” a flourishing, healthy condition; the time or period of greatest beauty, artistry,… Read More

How to talk to your landlord about cannabis

For starters recognize that your Landlord has the right to ask that there be no cannabis on their property. In advance consider looking at your lease agreement for any signs of anti-cannabis sentiment and you should ask what the building’s policy on smoking is. If you don’t see any mention of Cannabis and you are… Read More

The age old question…what is the difference between Indica and Sativa?

It can all get a little confusing. For what feels like a very long time Sativa and Indica have been used to quantify the experience the plant matter would offer but since the science community got its hands into the mix we’ve moved further away from these terms. I’ll give you the coles notes. Let… Read More